
September 01, 2021

This version of Dodeca uses the .NET Framework, version 4.7.2 and higher on the desktop. The components used in this version of Dodeca are SpreadsheetGear 2017 (, NetAdvantage 2020, Volume 2 (20.2.30), Aspose.Cells 19.5.0, Syncfusion Essential Studio, GdPicture.NET, and Xceed Zip 3.6.7363.15420.

This version of Dodeca has two server-side services that run inside a Java Application Server. The Dodeca service is supported and tested on Java 1.8. The Dodeca-Essbase service for all Essbase versions prior to, and including, Essbase are supported and tested on Java 1.5. The Dodeca-Essbase service for all Essbase versions and higher is supported and tested on Java 1.6. Both services are known to run on Java 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10.

The release notes for this version contain the following sections:


  • Fixed Issue: The CommentRange.IndicatorFillColor value, which is associated with the CommentIndicatorPolicy.CommentIndicator, is not persisted. This issue was introduced in #2892

dodeca-essbase Server Timed Logger

  • Fixed Issue: The dodeca-essbase Server Timed Logger incorrectly logs the time to Connect to Essbase and return IEssCubeView object as the cumulative time to Parse XML and to connect to Essbase. #2933

Dodeca Shell

  • Fixed Issue: Encrypting the database password in a DShell connection file results in an exception error when the connection file is used with the connect command. #2908

Essbase Connections and Essbase Authentication Services

  • Fixed Issue: If an Essbase connection is configured as stateful, i.e. the Stateless property is set to False, and the AdminUsername and AdminPassword properties are specified, and the connection is used during a client session, the user is not properly logged off from Essbase when the session is closed. This results in a hanging connection, which can be viewed in the Essbase Administration Services Console by using the Edit Sessions utility. #2905
  • Fixed Issue: When the ValidateCredentialsOnly setting of an Essbase Authentication Service is True, and the Essbase connection assigned to the service is configured as stateful, i.e. the Stateless property is set to False, the connection is incorrectly treated as stateless and is not maintained as a stateful connection. #2906

    The Essbase Authentication Services include the following: EssbaseSimpleAuthenticationService, EssbaseUserRolesFromGroupNames, and EssbaseUserRolesFromSqlPassthroughDataSet.

Essbase Selectors

  • Fixed Issue with caching - Operations associated with the initialization of selectors and caching of selections are performed concurrently, regardless of the ParallelExecution property. When using stateful connections, an error similar to the following can occur when building a view: #2924

    Unable to build the view. Unable to cache selections. Concurrent requests on the same session are not allowed. Wait till the previous request completes processing or kill the request.

  • Fixed Issue with EssbaseSelectorTreeView - In, the ExpandSharedParent property was introduced to allow the descendants of a base parent member to be replicated in the tree as descendants of the associated shared parent member. An issue has been addressed, which was resulting in the duplication of sub-branches of the descendants under the shared parent. #2903

Essbase Views

  • Fixed Issue: The Send tool detects when changes have been made within a send range. If the user attempts to build, refresh, or close the view, or perform any Essbase operation when unsaved changes exist, the tool prompts the user to confirm whether to continue with the operation and thereby overwrite the changes.

    When both of the toolbars configurations, MergeableToolbarsConfigurationID and ViewToolbarsConfigurationID, contain the Send tool, then the user is prompted a second time after confirming the overwrite in response to the first prompt.

    The behavior has been changed to only display the prompt once. #2709

  • Fixed Issue: If the EssProperties.UseSmartLists setting is True, when a retrieve contains a date cell and the value is missing, and text measures are available and a formatted value is available, the database returns a space character, " ", as the missing value, which prevents the client from detecting and displaying the MissingLabel as the value in the cell. #2859


    This change was reverted in 8.0.4. It was determined that Essbase returns a blank or space character, " ", as the formatted value for a date cell, when the value is missing, in order to avoid an issue that occurs when the MissingLabel is 0 and the cell in the worksheet is formatted as a date. Excel interprets a date value of 0 as an invalid data and displays the value as 1/0/1900.

    In 8.0.4, the cell value will be set to a blank to avoid the display of the invalid date, 1/0/1900, in the cell.

  • Fixed Issue: When SendBlanksAsMissing is True and the left-most column(s) in the send range contain all blanks, the blank data cells in the send range are not updated as missing. #2947

HFM Connection

  • Fixed Issue: When an HFM connection is assigned to a view, an error similar to the following is encountered when attempting to open the view: #2922

    Unable to get the metadata for Essbase connection ID "HFM_Connection". Unable to retrieve the metadata for Essbase connection ID "HFM_Connection". Unable to retrieve the requested metadata from the EssbaseConnectionQueryDetails service for metadata artifact "SAMPLE.ESSBASE_CONNECTION.HFM_Connection.1". Unable to process EssbaseConnectionQueryDetails request. No implementation mapping found for action 'EssbaseConnectionQueryDetails'.


  • Fixed Issue: When a date is retrieved from a relational source, the time is included in the returned date value. This issue was introduced in #2939


    The results with the fix:


View Metadata Editor

  • For an ExcelEssbaseView, added support in the View Metadata Editor for the ability to navigate from the DataDrillthroughViewID property to the associated view. Clicking the Edit <view ID> changes the selected view from the current view to the view assigned as the property value. #2894


View Status Bar

  • Fixed Issue: The Show Controls tool causes the Details button in the status bar to be removed when the view is built or when the tool is used to show/hide the view’s controls. The Details button is displayed in the status bar, for instance, when Unknown Members are detected in an Essbase view. #2923
  • Fixed Issue: In previous versions, the following tool controllers, which can be associated with a custom tool, cause the Details button in the status bar to be removed: OpenViewForDataCell, OpenViewForMemberCell, OpenView, OpenViewUsingActiveWorksheetAndSelectorState, OpenViewUsingActiveWorksheetState, OpenViewUsingSelectorState, OpenViewUsingViewState, and OpenWorkbookAndLinkedWorkbooks.

    The same issue occurs in an ExcelEssbaseView when the DataCellDoubleClickPolicy is set to OpenViewForDrillthrough, and the user double-clicks a data cell to drill-through to the target view. #2915

View Usage Viewer

  • Fixed Issue: Although the USER_ID column of the VIEW_USAGE_LOG table is populated correctly for all newly created log records, the View Usage Viewer fails to display the value of USER ID column. #2920

Workbook Script Editor

  • Fixed Issue: In the Value Editor, the auto-complete dropdown list is not sized appropriately to accommodate the width of the list items. #2912
  • Fixed Issue: When the width of the Find/Replace docked control is expanded, the Find what and Replace width fields should also be expanded. 2898
  • Fixed Issue: When the Windows Advanced scaling settings are used to set a custom scaling of 125%, the WBS editor crashes on open. #2945

Workbook Scripting Methods

  • Fixed Issue with EssbaseZoomOut Method: When using the SelectedRange argument with an asynchronous Essbase view, the following error occurs: SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbookSet.GetLock must be called to acquire a lock on the workbook set. #2904

Workbook Scripting Functions

  • Fixed issue with the argument parser: When a function argument is enclosed in double-quotes, leading and trailing whitespace characters are trimmed. When an argument is entirely comprised of whitespace, the following error can occur: String cannot be of zero length. #2917
  • Fixed Issue with MbrHasUDA function: When the function is used without the optional AliasTable argument, the following error occurs: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index. This issue was introduced in #2899

Dodeca Framework Release Notes