
April 22, 2016

This version of the Dodeca Framework uses the .NET Framework, version 2.0, Service Pack 1 and higher on the desktop. The components used in this version of Dodeca are SpreadsheetGear 2012 (, NetAdvantage 2011, Volume 1 (11.1.20111.2042), Aspose.Cells, Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.3035.0.30, and GdPicture.NET 11.0.6.

This version of Dodeca has two server-side services that run inside a Java Application Server. The Dodeca service is supported and tested on Java 1.6. The Dodeca-Essbase service for all Essbase versions prior to, and including, Essbase are supported and tested on Java 1.5. The Dodeca-Essbase service for all Essbase versions and higher are supported and tested on Java 1.6. Both services are known to run on Java 1.7, although extensive testing has not been performed on that Java version.

This release contains the following changes:

Workbook Scripting

  • WorbookScriptToolController – In previous releases, the VisiblePropertyName setting allowed a workbook script to control the visibility of a tool on a context menu. The name of the setting has been changed to VisibleOnContextMenuPropertyName. As before, the setting indicates the name of the boolean workbook script property that is used to set whether a tool on the context menu is visible. For a context menu tool, the visibility is set each time the context menu is displayed based on the property’s value.

    An additional setting, VisibleOnToolbarPropertyName, is now supported, which indicates the name of the boolean workbook script property that is used to set whether a tool on the toolbar is visible. The tool’s visible state is initialized using the property’s value and the tool is also automatically shown or hidden when the property’s value changes. #1451

Dodeca Framework Release Notes