DefinedNames (7.7)

Returns a list of defined names based on a specified scope.


@DefinedNames([<MatchPattern>], [<Scope>], [<ReturnFormat>])

Argument Name Description
MatchPattern Enter a regex pattern to match or leave blank for all defined names.
ReturnFormat "S[imple]", a comma delimited unique list of defined names. "D[etailed]", a row-and-column delimited list of: Unique-Key: If Scope is Workbook or CurrentWorksheet then the key will be the range name, otherwise it will be !. DefinedName: The actual defined name. Scope: If Scope is Workbook then "Workbook", otherwise the sheet-name of the sheet that the range refers to. Refers-To: What the defined name refers to. Default = Simple. (case insensitive)
Scope "W[orkbook]", "A[llWorksheets]", or "C[urrentWorksheet]". Default = "CurrentWorksheet". (case insensitive)