
Returns a delimited list of members that are related to the specified member.


@MbrRelatedMbrs(<MemberName>, <Relationship>, [<Delimiter>], [<MemberFormat>], [<EscapeSingleQuotes>], [<ReturnAliases>], [<AliasTable>], [<ConnectionID>], [<DefaultValue>])

Argument Name Description
AliasTable Optional (default is the view's alias table); If ReturnAliases is true, the name of the alias table.
ConnectionID Optional (default is the view's connection); The ID of the Essbase connection.
DefaultValue Optional (default is an empty string); The value to use if no related members found.
Delimiter Optional (default is a semi-colon); The character to use between each related member. To specify a comma, enclose the comma in double quotes ",".
EscapeSingleQuotes Optional (default is false); Controls whether a single quotation mark within a member name or alias is automatically escaped with another single quote. This setting is intended for use when the evaluated function value is to be used within a relational query.
MemberFormat Optional (default is no formatting); Allows each member to be prepended and/or appended with specified text. The format must contain the format item {0}, which is replaced with the member string. For example, to enclose each member string in single quotes, the value should be set to '{0}'.
MemberName The member specified can be an alias or a member name.
Relationship Relationship to specified member to determine related members: membmChildren, Descendants, BottomLevel, Siblings, SameLevel, SameGen, Parent, Ancestors
ReturnAliases Optional (default is false); Indicates whether aliases are returned instead of member names.