Replace (8.0)

Replaces existing text with new text in a text string.
Unlike the Excel Substitute function, this function does not limit the text argument values to 255 characters,
and also allows for specifying whether a match is based on a case-sensitive or a case-insensitive comparison.


@Replace(<Text>, <OldText>, <NewText>, [<CaseSensitive>], [<InstanceNumber>])

Argument Name Description
CaseSensitive Optional (default is true); Controls whether a case-sensitive comparison is used to detect a match.
InstanceNumber Optional (default is 0, which indicates that all occurrences are replaced); The occurrence of OldText to replace with NewText, starting at 1 to indicate the first occurrence, 2 for the second, etc.
NewText The text to replace the OldText with.
OldText The text to replace.
Text The text in which the occurrence(s) of OldText are replaced with NewText.