CopyFromBinaryArtifact (7.3)

Copy from a specifed Excel Binary Artifact.


Overload Name Description
Range Copy a range and specify the paste options.
Sheet Copy a worksheet.


Copy a range and specify the paste options.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
BinaryArtifactID The ID of the source Excel Binary Artifact.
VersionPolicy (7.7) Determines the version to be used. If not specified and the BinaryArtifactVersion argument has no value, then Latest will be used.
Latest = latest version of the Binary Artifact
Specific = specified by the BinaryArtifactVersion argument
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: LatestSpecific
BinaryArtifactVersion The version of the source Excel Binary Artifact. Leave blank to always use the most recent version.
If the copy-from workbook is password-protected, specifies the password assigned to the workbook.
NOTE: The password is currently only supported for XLS files that are saved from Excel 2010.
CopyRange The address of the range to copy from.
PasteRange The address of the range to paste into.
OutputRangeName (8.0) The range where the range is imported to will be given the specified name.
InsertPolicy (7.7) Determines whether/how to insert the copied range. If not specified then the copied range will overwrite the paste range.
= Overwrite the paste range
Rows = Insert the number of rows in the from-range at the first row of the paste range.
Columns = Insert the number of columns in the from-range at the first column of the paste range.
RowsAndColumns = Insert both rows and columns.
ShiftCellsRight = Shift the cells in the paste range to the right.
ShiftCellsDown = Shift the cells in the paste range to down.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>RowsColumnsRowsAndColumnsShiftCellsRightShiftCellsDown
PasteType Specifies the type of copy to perform.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>AllColumnWidthsCommentsFormatsFormulasFormulasAndNumberFormatsValidationValuesValuesAndNumberFormats
PasteOperation Specifies an operation to perform on the numbers of the copied data (Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide).
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>NoneAddSubtractMultiplyDivide
CopyColumnWidths Whether to copy the column widths of the copy range.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CopyRowHeights Whether to copy the row heights of the copy range.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
SkipBlanks If cells in the copy range are empty, then the corresponding cells in the paste range are left unchanged. Defaults to FALSE if left blank. For consistency with the standard paste tool, this value should be set to TRUE.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
Transpose Rows become columns. Columns become rows.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE


Copy a worksheet.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
BinaryArtifactID The ID of the source Excel Binary Artifact.
BinaryArtifactVersion The version of the source Excel Binary Artifact. Leave blank to always use the most recent version.
If the copy-from workbook is password-protected, specifies the password assigned to the workbook.
NOTE: The password is currently only supported for XLS files that are saved from Excel 2010.
SpecifyFromBy Select how to specify which worksheet to copy.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumber
FromSheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifyFromBy.
SpecifyToPosition Select how to specify where to copy the worksheet to.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FirstLastToPositionOfSheetNamedToPositionNumber
ToPosition If SpecifyToPosition is ToPositionOfSheetNamed then enter a sheet name. If SpecifyToPosition is ToPositionNumber then enter a number.
NewSheetName The name of the new sheet.