
Run an Essbase MDX query.


Overload Name Description
GridData Execute an Essbase MDX query that is defined by the MDX argument and write the result to a worksheet.


Execute an Essbase MDX query that is defined by the MDX argument and write the result to a worksheet.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
MDXScriptID (7.3) The ID of the Essbase Script that represents the MDX query to run.
MDX The text of the MDX query to execute.
Axis Controls which of the axes of data generated by the query is returned to the client. By default, Axis is RowsColumnsAndPages; The data for the Rows, Columns, and Pages axes is returned to the client.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>RowsColumnsRowsAndColumnsPagesRowsColumnsAndPages
Dataless Controls whether the MDX query returns data values along with the members, or members only. By default, Dataless is FALSE; Data values are returned.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
HideRestrictedData Controls whether data to which the user has no access is suppressed. By default, HideRestrictedData is TRUE; Restricted data is not returned.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
IdentifierType Controls whether member names, aliases, or unique names are returned by the query. The UniqueNames option is applicable when the outline contains duplicate member names. By default, IdentifierType is Name; Member names are returned.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>NameAliasUniqueName
AliasTableName The name of the alias table from which aliases are obtained.
RepeatRowMemberLabels Controls whether member names are repeated for each row returned by the query. By default, RepeatRowMemberLabels is True.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
ConnectionID The ID of the Essbase Connection to use for the query.
Username The username of the Essbase credentials used to execute the query. If the username and password are not specified, the default credentials are used.
Password The password of the Essbase credentials used to execute the query. If the username and password are not specified, the default credentials are used.
StartCell The address of the cell where the first row and column of the report output goes.
OutputRangeName The defined name to create for the range that contains the report output.
ProgressTextQueryStarted (Optional) The text string displayed as the progress text in the status bar before the query is started. If no value is specified, "MDX query started" is displayed as the progress text.
ProgressTextQueryCompleted (Optional) The text string displayed as the progress text in the status bar after the query completes. If no value is specified, "MDX query completed" is displayed as the progress text.
ProgressTextQueryFailed (Optional) The text string displayed as the progress text in the status bar if the query fails. If no value is specified, "MDX query failed" is displayed as the progress text.
SynchronizeCharts Whether to synchronize the chart, if any, associated with the retrieve range.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE