EssbaseRunMaxL (7.7)

Run a MaxL script.


Overload Name Description
General Run a MaxL script.


Run a MaxL script.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
ScriptText One of more MaxL statements to be run.
ContinueOnError Controls whether script execution continues after an error is encountered.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
ConnectionID The ID of the Essbase connection that contains the credentials to be used by script. For an Essbase view, the ConnectionID is optional. If not specified, the view's EssbaseConnectionID is used. For a non-Essbase view, the ConnectionID must be specified.
MessagesSheetName If not blank, a worksheet will be added to the current view with the messages produced by the MaxL script execution.
ResultsSheetName If not blank, a worksheet will be added to the current view with the results of each MaxL statement in the script. If the script contains more than one statement then a sequentially numbered sheet will be added for each statement.
StatementMessagesSheetName (8.0) If not blank, a worksheet will be added to the current view with the messages of each MaxL statement in the script. If the script contains more than one statement then a sequentially numbered sheet will be added for each statement.
MessagesDataCacheName If not blank, a DataCache will be added to the current view with the messages produced by the MaxL script execution.
ResultsDataCacheName If not blank, a DataCache will be added to the current view with the results of the MaxL script. If the script contains more than one statement then a sequentially numbered DataCache will be added for each statement.
StatementMessagesDataCacheName If not blank, a DataCache will be added to the current view with the messages returned by each statement in the MaxL script. If the script contains more than one statement then a sequentially numbered DataCache will be added for each statement.
DataCacheColumnLabels Whether to include column headers for DataCaches. The default is FALSE.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
BackgroundExecute Controls whether the method is executed asynchronous.
CoverDuringExecute Controls whether the view is covered while the script is running.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
ProgressTextStarted (Optional) The text string displayed as the progress text in the status bar before the script is run. If no value is specified, "Running MaxL" is displayed as the progress text.
ProgressTextCompleted (Optional) The text string displayed as the progress text in the status bar after the script is completed. If no value is specified, "RunMaxL completed" is displayed as the progress text.
ProgressTextFailed (Optional) The text string displayed as the progress text in the status bar if the script fails. If no value is specified, "RunMaxL failed" is displayed as the progress text.
ErrorPropertyName (Optional) The name of the workbook script property that receives the error message if the MaxL script fails to run.
LogFileName Specify a filename for the log file. If LogFileName is left blank no log file will be created.
LogFileFolder Specify the full path to the folder of the log file. If LogFileFolder is left blank the log file will be written to the Desktop folder. If LogFileName is left blank no log file will be created.
LogFileOverwritePolicy Specify what to do if the specified log file already exists. If LogFileOverwritePolicy is left blank IncrementFileName will be used.
Append: Append new results to the existing file.
IncrementFileName: Create a new file with a sequential number appended to the filename, like "MyLogFileName (1).txt".
Overwrite: Replace the existing file with the new file.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>AppendToFileIncrementFileNameOverwrite