
Prompt the user for a value.


Overload Name Description
Date Prompt the user for a date value.
Double Prompt the user for a double value.
DropDown Prompt the user with a list of values in a drop-down.
Integer Prompt the user for an integer value.
String Prompt the user for a string value.


Prompt the user for a date value.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
FormCaption The caption to use for the form.
FormHeight The height of the prompt form.
FormWidth The width of the prompt form.
PromptText The text to use to prompt the user.
NullText The text to display in the input box if no value has been entered. The NullText does not become the value of the input.
DefaultValue The value to use by default.
AllowNull Whether null/empty is a valid entry.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
Min The minimum value to allow.
Max The maximum value to allow.
FailedValidationText The message to display if the value is not valid.
InputValuePropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the input value.
DialogResultPropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the value of the dialog result, like Cancel, etc.


Prompt the user for a double value.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
FormCaption The caption to use for the form.
FormHeight The height of the prompt form.
FormWidth The width of the prompt form.
PromptText The text to use to prompt the user.
NullText The text to display in the input box if no value has been entered. The NullText does not become the value of the input.
DefaultValue The value to use by default.
AllowNull Whether null/empty is a valid entry.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
Min The minimum value to allow.
Max The maximum value to allow.
DecimalPlaces The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal to allow.
FailedValidationText The message to display if the value is not valid.
InputValuePropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the input value.
DialogResultPropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the value of the dialog result, like Cancel, etc.


Prompt the user with a list of values in a drop-down.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
FormCaption The caption to use for the form.
FormHeight The height of the prompt form.
FormWidth The width of the prompt form.
PromptText The text to use to prompt the user.
NullText The text to display in the input box if no value has been entered. The NullText does not become the value of the input.
DefaultValue The value to use by default.
AllowNull Whether null/empty is a valid entry.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
MaxCharacters The maximum number of characters to allow.
DropDownList The list of values for the drop-down. If the list only contains display-values, separate each value with a semicolon. If the drop-down has display-values and data-values then the display-values should be separated from the data-values with a semicolon, and each row of the list should be followed by a new-line.
HasDataValues Determines whether the combo-list has display-values and data-values, or just display-values.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
LimitToList Whether the entry must be in the drop-down list.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
MaxDropDownItems The number of rows to show in the drop-down list. The default is 15.
SortStyle Whether null/empty is a valid entry.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>AscendingAscendingByValueDescendingDescendingByValueNone
FailedValidationText The message to display if the value is not valid.
InputValuePropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the input value.
DialogResultPropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the value of the dialog result, like Cancel, etc.


Prompt the user for an integer value.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
FormCaption The caption to use for the form.
FormHeight The height of the prompt form.
FormWidth The width of the prompt form.
PromptText The text to use to prompt the user.
NullText The text to display in the input box if no value has been entered. The NullText does not become the value of the input.
DefaultValue The value to use by default.
AllowNull Whether null/empty is a valid entry.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
Min The minimum value to allow.
Max The maximum value to allow.
FailedValidationText The message to display if the value is not valid.
InputValuePropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the input value.
DialogResultPropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the value of the dialog result, like Cancel, etc.


Prompt the user for a string value.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
FormCaption The caption to use for the form.
FormHeight The height of the prompt form.
FormWidth The width of the prompt form.
PromptText The text to use to prompt the user.
NullText The text to display in the input box if no value has been entered. The NullText does not become the value of the input.
DefaultValue The value to use by default.
AllowNull Whether null/empty is a valid entry.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
MaxCharacters The maximum number of characters to allow.
MultiLine Whether to allow more than one line in the input.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
WordWrap Whether to automatically wrap text.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
ScrollBars The scrollbar configuration for the text box.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>NoneHorizontalVerticalBoth
PasswordMaskCharacter A character to use for password masking.
FailedValidationText The message to display if the value is not valid.
InputValuePropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the input value.
DialogResultPropertyName The name of the script property that will receive the value of the dialog result, like Cancel, etc.