
Updates a Binary Artifact with a new file.


Overload Name Description
CSVFile Updates a binary artifact with a new .csv file.
General Updates a binary artifact with a new file.
UserSpecified Updates a binary artifact with a new file chosen by the user.


Updates a binary artifact with a new .csv file.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
Filename Specify the name of the new file for updating the Binary Artifact.
Folder Specify the folder path where the new file is located.
BinaryArtifactID The ID of the Binary Artifact that will be updated.
CreateNewVersion Specify whether to create a new version of an existing Binary Artifact or replace the latest version available.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: FALSETRUE
FileConversion (Optional) Specify whether a .csv file with a non-default list separator will be converted to a comma-separated Binary Artifact.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
FileConvertInMemory (Optional) Specify whether a .csv file with a non-default list separator will be converted in memory or using a temporary file.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
FileListSeparator (Optional) Specify the list separator used by the source file that will be converted before updating the Binary Artifact.
FileHasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes (Optional) Specify whether the file used has fields enclosed in quotes.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
FileTrimWhitespace (8.1) (Optional) Specify whether field values will be trimmed during conversion.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
BackgroundExecute Controls whether the operation is executed asynchronously.
CoverDuringExecute (Optional) Controls whether the view is covered while the .csv file is converted. By default, the view is not covered.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
DisableDuringExecute (Optional) Controls whether the view's tools and selectors are disabled while the .csv file is converted. By default, the view is not disabled.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
ProgressTextStarted (Optional) The text string displayed as the progress text in the status bar before the .csv file is converted. If no value is specified, "UpdateBinaryArtifact started" is displayed as the progress text.
ProgressTextCompleted (Optional) The text string displayed as the progress text in the status bar after the .csv file is converted and the BinaryArtifact is Updated. If no value is specified, "UpdateBinaryArtifact completed" is displayed as the progress text.
ProgressTextFailed (Optional) The text string displayed as the progress text in the status bar if the conversion or Binary Artifact update fails. If no value is specified, "UpdateBinaryArtifact failed" is displayed as the progress text.


Updates a binary artifact with a new file.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
Filename Specify the name of the new file for updating the Binary Artifact.
Folder Specify the folder path where the new file is located.
BinaryArtifactID The ID of the Binary Artifact that will be updated.
CreateNewVersion Specify whether to create a new version of an existing Binary Artifact or replace the latest version available.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: FALSETRUE


Updates a binary artifact with a new file chosen by the user.

Argument Description
SpecifySheetBy Select how to specify which worksheet to select while the method is being executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>SheetNameSheetNumberAllSheets
SheetSpec Specify the sheet-name or sheet-number, depending on SpecifySheetBy. If SpecifySheetBy is AllSheets then SheetSpec can be left empty.
Address The address of a range to select for the execution of the method.
CellByCell Whether to execute the method on a cell-by-cell basis, or on the range specified by the address.
ReverseOrder Whether to loop through the rows and columns from highest to lowest. Only applies when CellByCell is true.
MethodCondition If the result of method-condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the method is not executed.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
CellCondition If the result of the condition expression resolves to FALSE, then the current cell is skipped.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: <blank>FALSETRUE
Specify the file type filter for the OpenFileDialog. For example, to limit the selection to Excel workbooks, the following filter can be used:
Excel Files|*.xls;*.xlsx
BinaryArtifactID The ID of the Binary Artifact that will be updated.
CreateNewVersion Specify whether to create a new version of an existing Binary Artifact or replace the latest version available.
Specify one of the following values or an arbitrary value: FALSETRUE
DialogResultPropertyName (7.7) The name of the script property to hold the FileDialog form result.
FullFilePathPropertyName (7.7) The full path of the files that is saved.