Dodeca WAR File Deployment

Once you have compiled the WAR file, you have to deploy it to your application server. The WAR file deployment procedure varies by application server manufacturer. This section of the guide includes detailed instructions for a variety of commonly-used servers.

Deployment to Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat is a popular, open-source application server created by the Apache Foundation. Many companies, including Hyperion, ship Apache Tomcat as a default application server for their applications.

WAR File Deployment

To deploy the WAR file in Apache Tomcat, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the dodeca.war file to the \webapps directory of your Apache Tomcat deployment.
  2. Start the Apache Tomcat application server. The dodeca WAR file will be unpacked and deployed into the \webapps\dodeca directory.

Deployment to Oracle WebLogic

Oracle WebLogic application server is available for several different operating systems. The instructions below were created for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g.

WAR File Deployment

To deploy the WAR file in Oracle WebLogic, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.
  2. In the 'Change Center' panel at the top left, click the Lock & Edit button.
  3. Click 'Deployments' in the left-hand 'Domain Structure' panel.
  4. In the 'Summary of Deployments' panel that opens, click the Install button.
  5. Navigate to and select the dodeca.war file on your file system.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select 'Install this deployment as an application' and click Next.
  8. Click Next.
  9. For versions of WebLogic provided with Essbase 11.1.2 and higher, if you are installing the Dodeca servlet to the EPMSystem domain (recommended), you will be given the option to 'Select deployment targets' for the installation. Under the 'Clusters' section of the form, for 'AnalyticProviderServices', select 'Part of the cluster' and 'AnalyticProviderServices0'.
  1. Review the information and click Finish.
  2. When the installation has completed, click the Activate Changes button in the 'Change Center' panel at the top left.

To start the application in Oracle WebLogic, follow these steps:

  1. From the 'Deployments' panel, select check box next to the Dodeca application.
  2. Click the Start button and choose to start servicing all requests to the web application.
  3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to start the web application.

Deployment to IBM WebSphere

The IBM WebSphere application server is available for several different operating systems. The instructions below were created for IBM WebSphere

WAR File Deployment

To deploy the WAR file in IBM WebSphere, follow these steps:

  1. Select and expand 'Applications' located on the left hand side of the admin console.
  2. Select Install New Application.
  3. Click Browse and navigate to the dodeca.war file on your file system.
  4. Select the dodeca.war file and press Open.
  5. Enter "/dodeca" for the context root.
  6. Leave the radio button for 'Prompt me only when additional information is required' selected.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Next under the section entitled 'Select installation options'.
  9. At 'Map modules to servers', check the 'Select' box next to dodeca.war Module, then click Next.
  10. At 'Map virtual hosts for Web modules', check the 'Select' box next to the dodeca.war Web module, then adjust the 'Virtual Host' drop down box to meet your needs.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Review the information and click Finish.
  13. When the application has completed the installation, click Save.

To start the application in IBM WebSphere, follow these steps:

  1. Select and expand 'Applications' located on the left hand side of the admin console.
  2. Click 'Enterprise Applications'.
  3. Check the 'Select' box next to the Dodeca application and then click Start.