Local Client Installation and Configuration

The full Dodeca client is also installed on the desktop of the machine that installs the Dodeca Framework using the executable installer. The client installation, consisting of AppliedOLAP.Dodeca.SmartClient.exe and all of its dependencies, is installed with the Dodeca Framework in the \bin\Dodeca subdirectory. The client installation is normally used only by customer developers who wish to extend the Dodeca framework using Visual Studio. Before you can use the client to start in this way, you must configure command-line arguments that the client needs to communicate with the metadata server.

The following command-line arguments are used by Dodeca:


/a (or /app)

Defines the application to run (which defines, among other things, the toolbars present in the application).


/p (or /path)

Defines the URL where the metadata servlet is available.


/t (or /tenant)

Defines the Tenant key, which maintains metadata separation between different internal (or external) customers.


/u (or /user)

Defines the username to be used for metadata update logging (default=Windows Login name).


You must create or modify a shortcut to the Dodeca launch executable in order to include the command line arguments. An example of a complete command-line string is below:

C:\Program Files\Applied OLAP\Dodeca Framework {version}\bin\Dodeca\AppliedOLAP.Dodeca.SmartClient.exe" /a 1 /t SAMPLE /path http://appserver:13080/dodeca/metadata-service


The above command must be typed on a single line.