
October 12, 2011

This version uses SpreadsheetGear 2010 (, NetAdvantage 2011, Volume 1 (11.1.20111.1003), and Aspose.Cells

The release notes for this build contain the following sections:

Essbase Selector TreeView

Essbase Views


SQL Excel Views

Workbook Scripting

Essbase Selector TreeView

This feature was introduced in, but was omitted from the Release Notes.

The Display Unknown Members option has been added as an Essbase Option. The option is presented in the Essbase Options dialog.


The administrator is able to control whether the setting is enabled by default as well as whether the option appears on the dialog. This can be configured on a view-by-view basis using the EssProperties.DisplayUnknownMembers and the AllowedUserEssbaseOptions properties. When the user is allowed to modify the option, the value is cached on the client based on the UserEssbaseOptionsContext.


When the Unknown Members option is enabled and unknown members are detected during an Essbase operation, a warning is displayed in the view’s status bar.


When the user clicks the Details button, the following message box is displayed:


If the user clicks Yes, the Unknown Members Explorer control is opened and docked along the right edge of the view window. The user is able to click on the Cell link for a given member, which activates the cell that contains the unknown member and automatically scrolls the cell into view.


When the Unknown Members Explorer is already open, and another Essbase operation is performed for which unknown members are detected, the Warning is again presented in the status bar. The Unknown Members Explorer is updated to reflect the unknown members for the last operation. And, when the Details button is clicked, the following message box is displayed:


The Display Unknown Members option is supported for all Essbase view types. The following example uses an ad hoc view to illustrate how the feature can be used to detect differences between members in two similar outlines. The example view is configured to use the Sign On and Set Active Connection tool, which allows the user to easily switch the active connection between difference databases. Both the Sample Basic and Demo Basic databases contain a Market dimension. To determine the Market members that are in the Demo Basic outline, but not in the Sample Basic outline, the user connects to Demo Basic, then performs the necessary operations to layout the Market members in row orientation. The active connection is then changed to Sample Basic, and a retrieve operation is performed. The unknown members are presented in the Unknown Members Explorer.


The members can then be copied from the explorer to an external document, such as a text file or an Excel spreadsheet:



SQL Excel Views

Workbook Scripting

@MbrRelatedMbrs(<MemberName>, <Relationship>, [<Delimiter>], [<MemberFormat>], [<EscapeSingleQuotes>], [<ReturnAliases>], [<AliasTable>], [<ConnectionID>] , [<DefaultValue>])


MemberName — The member specified can be an alias or a member name.

Relationship — Relationship to specified member used to determine related members: Children, Descendants, BottomLevel, Siblings, SameLevel, SameGen, Parent, Ancestors

Delimiter — Optional (default is a semi-colon); The character to use between each related member. To specify a comma, enclose the comma in double quotes ",".

MemberFormat — Optional (default is a no formatting); Allows each member to be prepended and/or appended with specified text. The format must contain the format item {0}, which is replaced with the member string. For example, to enclose each member string in single quotes, the value should be set to "{0}".

EscapeSingleQuotes — Optional (default is false); Controls whether a single quotation mark within a member name or alias is automatically escaped with another single quote. This setting is intended for use when the evaluated function value is used within a relational query.

ReturnAliases — Optional (default is false); Indicates whether aliases are returned instead of member names.

AliasTable — Optional (default is the view’s alias table); If ReturnAliases is true, indicates the name of the alias table.

ConnectionID — Optional (default is the view’s connection); The ID of the Essbase connection.

DefaultValue — Optional (default is an empty string); The value to use if no related members found.

Dodeca Framework