

Drillbridge is a software product made by Applied OLAP that makes Hyperion drill-through to relational data incredibly easy — and awesome.

Wouldn’t it be nice to drillthrough from Essbase to the underlying detail that supports that data? It sure would be! Applied OLAP’s software, Drillbridge, makes drilling to data in a relational database very easy.

Why not Essbase Studio? Essbase Studio is a solid product, but if you already have cubes being created and maintained manually or with tools such as EPMA, switching over to Essbase Studio could be an impossibly large task.

This is where the Drillbridge comes in. Drillbridge augments an existing cube at the levels you specify and serves as a central jumping off point (a bridge, if you will) that gives you flexibility with respect to what you want users to be able to drill through to.

Drillbridge Editions

Drillbridge is available in the normal/free edition known as Drillbridge Community Edition (or simply Drillbridge) as well as an enhanced enterprise offering referred to as Drillbridge Plus. Drillbridge Plus is a licensed software product with additional features that are not available in Drillbridge Community Edition.