Drillbridge as a Service in Linux

Steps to run Drillbridge in Linux Distributions

# Copy Drillbridge install media to remote server
scp "/path/to/drillbridge-3.6.0.zip" username@server:

# Install unzip (if not already installed)
sudo dnf install unzip  # For Fedora, replace dnf with apt for Debian/Ubuntu

# Install Java 8
sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk  # Or appropriate package for your distro

# Create a directory for Drillbridge
sudo mkdir /opt/drillbridge

# Extract Drillbridge files into /opt/drillbridge
sudo unzip drillbridge-3.6.0.zip -d /opt/drillbridge/

# Change to the Drillbridge folder
cd /opt/drillbridge

# Create a symbolic link for easier access
sudo ln -s drillbridge-3.6.0 current

# Change to the Drillbridge bin folder
cd current/bin

# Test running Drillbridge in console mode
./drillbridge console

# Kill it with CTRL+C
CTRL+C to stop it

Running as a Daemon Process (Optional)

Drillbridge can be run as a detached daemon process by executing the script using the start command. Because the application is running as a detached process, it cannot be terminated using CTRL-C and will continue to run even if the console is closed.

# Change to the bin folder
cd /opt/drillbridge/current/bin/

# Start Drillbridge
./drillbridge start

# To Stop Drillbridge
./drillbridge stop

Installing the Application to Start on Reboot (Optional)

Drillbridge provides an unified way to install the Application as a Daemon through different platforms (Linux distributions), allowing your application to automatically start on a system boot or reboot.

During the installation step, the script will automatically detect the OS (Linux distributions), then figure out which service management tools (such as Systemd, Initd) are present. Whenever several service managements are available, the most advanced one will be chosen.

# Change to the Linux-Start-on-Reboot folder
cd /opt/drillbridge/current/bin/Linux-Start-on-Reboot

# Install Drillbridge to Start on Reboot
./drillbridge install

If you wish to uninstall/remove the Wrapper from the system initialization, run the script (as a root user!) with passing the action parameter "remove".

# Remove Drillbridge on Reboot
./drillbridge remove

This optional approach of Installing the Application to Start on Reboot uses systemd for managing the Drillbridge service, which is the modern way of handling services on most Linux distributions.

# Start the Drillbridge service
sudo systemctl start drillbridge

# Stop Drillbridge service
sudo systemctl stop drillbridge

# Status of Drillbridge service
sudo systemctl status drillbridge


If you start Drillbridge using sudo systemctl start drillbridge, the logs will typically be written to wrapper.log. When running using the start command, the output from the JVM will only be visible by viewing the wrapper.log file using tail -f wrapper.log.