Excel Add-In Version 7.7.2

October 18, 2019 - Build 6976

The supported versions of Excel include the following: Excel 2010, Excel 2013, and Excel 2016. Although not explicitly supported, there are currently no known issues when using the add-in with Excel 2007.

The supported versions of Essbase include 9.3.0 and higher.

This release contains the following changes:

Essbase Retrieve

  • Fixed Issue: When the Undo/Redo Enabled option is active, an error occurs when attempting to perform a standard retrieve operation on a partially selected named retrieve range. The error is similar to the following: The retrieve range name "$B$4:$G$7" is not an existing retrieve range for sheet "Sample.Basic".

  • Fixed Issue: Retrieving a selected cell range, which is outside of any named retrieve range is not supported; however, the status bar indicates the "Retrieve completed." #2347

Linked Reporting Objects

  • Enhancement - Added support for drill-through reports created in Essbase Studio. #2344

  • Fixed Issue: Opening an EIS Drill-through report may result in the following error when the report contains a large amount of data: Exception of type "System.OutOfMemoryException" was thrown. #2333

Recent Connections

  • Fixed Issue: When a connection, which requires different credentials than those for the active or default connection, is selected from the Recent Connections ribbon dropdown, the error Login fails due to invalid login credentials. or similar, is displayed. The user is also not able to specify valid credentials, since the login dialog is not opened. #2349

Text Files

  • With this release, text, and other flat-file formats, are supported. In previous releases, most of the ribbon controls on the Dodeca Add-In for Excel tab were disabled when a text file was opened. #2297