Dodeca Version 7.8.4

June 09, 2020 - Build 7239

This version of the Dodeca uses the .NET Framework, version 2.0, Service Pack 1 and higher on the desktop. The components used in this version of Dodeca are SpreadsheetGear 2017 (, NetAdvantage 2011, Volume 1 (11.1.20111.2042), Aspose.Cells, Syncfusion Essential Studio, and GdPicture.NET 11.0.6.

This version of Dodeca has two server-side services that run inside a Java Application Server. The Dodeca service is supported and tested on Java 1.6. The Dodeca-Essbase service for all Essbase versions prior to, and including, Essbase are supported and tested on Java 1.5. The Dodeca-Essbase service for all Essbase versions and higher is supported and tested on Java 1.6. Both services are known to run on Java 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10.

This release contains the following changes:

Application - User Creation

Auto Build Tool

  • Fixed Issue: In the Sample application metadata installed with the framework, the Essbase View Standard Limited - SG toolbars configuration contains the Auto Build state button tool. When the state of the button is off, the caption appears in white and does not reflect the active application style. When used with the DodecaTeal_OfficeWhite style library, which sets the background of the button to white, the caption disappears. #2520


  • In previous releases, when a view’s CommentsExplorerDockedControlLocation property is set to Bottom or Top, the height of the Comments Explorer takes up a large portion of the view window and requires the user to resize the control. In 7.8.4, the initial size is computed as 25% of the view window height. In addition, any adjustments to the size or the docked location by the user are retained and restored the next time the view is opened in the same session or a subsequent session. #2487

  • Fixed Issue: In previous releases, the CommentRange.AllowAdd setting does not control whether a response can be made to a threaded comment. #2519

    For example, if the AllowAdd value is a formula that evaluates to True for some users and a validated user adds a comment, and then another user, for which the formula evaluates to False, although not able to add a new comment, is able to add a response. This behavior is inappropriate, and is also not consistent with the AllowDelete and AllowUpdate settings.

    This is a potential breaking change for any application that relies on the ability to allow a user to add a response when the user is not allowed to add a new comment.

Essbase Date Measure

  • Fixed Issue: In an Essbase view, on a member with an Essbase date measure, when the user sends a date value to a #Missing intersection, the date is always returned as 1/1/1970. When the user sends a date value to an intersection that already has a date, the correct date is stored and returned. #2515

Metadata Dependency Explorer

  • Fixed Issue - The Metadata Dependency Explorer does not detect a depends on dependency between an Essbase selector list and the associated Essbase script for the following: EssbaseMdxQuery.MDXScriptID, EssbaseMemberQuery.MemberQueryScriptID, and EssbaseReportScript.ReportScriptID. #2502

Selector Lists

  • Fixed Issue - When using the SelectorListObjectTypeID of EssbaseMemberQuery, and the MemberQueryScriptID setting is used to specify the ID of the member query script, an error similar to the following is thrown when the selector list is used by a selector at runtime: Unable to get the selector list items. The "ProductMemberQuery" selector list’s SelectorListProperties.MemberQuery setting is not specified. #2503

SQLPassthroughDataSet - Queries

  • Fixed Issue - When using the SQLStandardizationPolicy FullStandardization for a SQLPassthroughDataSet query, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements with lines containing commas as the first non-whitespace character can create statement parsing problems for the Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.x for SQL Server (sqljdbc4.jar or sqljdbc42.jar). #2506

Workbook Script Debugger

  • Fixed Issue - In the Workbook Script Debugger, on the Breakpoints and Formula Evaluator tabs, attempting to evaluate an Excel formula within the context of any of the following events results in an Object not set to an instance of an object error: AfterWorkbookClose, BeforeTokenTableBuild, AfterTokenTableBuild, BeforeExcelTemplatePullToClient, and BeforeWorkbookOpen. #2512

Workbook Scripting

  • Fixed Issue with CopyFromBinaryArtifact Method’s Sheet overload: When the BinaryArtifactVersion argument is specified, the client application crashes. #2516