Excel Add-In Version 7.1.10

October 14, 2016 - Build 5635

The supported versions of Excel include the following: Excel 2010, Excel 2013, and Excel 2016. Although not explicitly supported, there are currently no known issues when using the add-in with Excel 2007.

The supported versions of Essbase include 9.3.0 and higher.

This release contains the following changes:

Undo/Redo – As an enhancement to the single operation flashback capability provided by the Classic Essbase Add-In, the Dodeca Add-In supports the ability to restore the results of an operation across multiple operations by stepping back or forward an operation at a time or by selecting a specific operation from a history of operations.

By default, a snapshot of the operation is saved after an operation is performed. It was requested that for a standard retrieve operation, that a configuration setting be supported to control whether the snapshot is taken before or after the retrieve. The setting is referred to as RetrieveSnapshotSavePolicy. #1674

This enhancement was revised in Version