Artifact Commands

Display Artifact Contents

Many Dodeca objects are stored as compressed XML. You can decompress and view the contents by using the print-artifact command and specifying an artifact. For example, to view the XML conents of version 1 of a certain View artifact named IncStmt, you may use the following command:

print-artifact IncStmt VIEW 1

The contents are then displayed:

  <ViewInformation xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <Name>Income Statement</Name>
    <NamedPropertySets />
  <Properties xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <CaptionAfterBuild>Income Statement for [T.Market] - [T.Product] - [T.Scenario]</CaptionAfterBuild>
    <MergeableToolbarsConfigurationID>View Main </MergeableToolbarsConfigurationID>
    <ViewTokens />
    <ViewToolbarsConfigurationID>Essbase View Standard Limited</ViewToolbarsConfigurationID>

Note that all artifacts in a Dodeca repository are uniquely identified by a unique combination of four pieces of information: tenant, artifact ID, category, and version. In the previous example, the tenant is already set (by way of the use command), and then then three other properties are specified. You do not have to always fully qualify an exact artifact, but if the artifact specification is otherwise ambiguous, the shell will report an error and tell you that you need to be more specific.

For instance, in the demo tenant that we have been working with, there are multiple artifacts with the name IncStmt, so attempts to print the artifact contents with the following command:

dshell/SAMPLE:>print-artifact IncStmt

Will result in the following error message:

Ambiguous artifact specification 'IncStmt' as there are 2 artifacts that match (GENERAL/1, VIEW/1)

Helpfully enough, the error tells us that the ambiguous name is due to there being an artifact with the same ID but with categories of GENERAL and VIEW. We can then narrow our artifact specification:

dshell/SAMPLE:>print-artifact IncStmt VIEW

(Notice that we did not have to specify the version).

Delete All Artifacts

The delete-all-artifacts command deletes all of the binary artifacts in the current tenant.

Delete Artifact

The delete-artifact command deletes a single artifact.

Delete All Artifacts on Stack

The delete-all-artifacts command can optionally take a --use-stack flag that specifies that the artifacts to be deleted are the ones that are on the current artifact stack.

Export Artifacts to CSV

The export-csv command exports artifacts to a CSV file. The columns will correspond to the fields in the internal Dodeca binary artifacts table. This export format is not used anywhere else in Dodeca but may be helpful to load artifact metadata into other tools that expect a flat file format.

Export Artifacts to ZIP

Use export-zip to export artifacts to a ZIP file that is compatible with Dodeca client import/export operations. By default, all artifacts in the tenant will be exported or you can use the --use-stack parameter to specify to use the list of artifacts currently on the stack.

Import Artifacts

List Artifacts

Use list-artifacts to view a list of binary artifacts. This command supports various filtering options for the artifact type, category, and other attributes.

Refresh Artifact List

The refresh-artifact-list command can be used alone or with a --category CATEGORY parameter in order to refresh the internal Dodeca list of artifacts. Internally, Dodeca keeps a cache of available artifacts. You may need to manually refresh an artifact list after performing actions in Dodeca that add/remove artifacts.